Beginners Hijama
Rs. 15,000.00
Rs. 15,000.00
Responsible | Zeerak Aamir |
Last Update | 08/18/2024 |
Members | 1 |
Overview of the Hijama12Lessons ·
Definition of Hijama (Cupping Therapy)
Classification of Hijama (Cupping Therapy)
Purpose of Hijama (Cupping Therapy)
Principles of Hijama (Cupping Therapy)
Recommended sites, number and size of cups
Best season, day and time for Hijama (Cupping Therapy)
Indications of Hijama (Cupping Therapy)
Minimum Requirement for performing Hijama (Cupping Therapy)
Specification of Hijama Cups
Oils required for Massage Before Hijama
Minimal Qualifications
Pre Cupping Stage (Standard Operating Procedures)11Lessons ·
History Taking, clinical examination and laboratory investigations
Consent of the Patient
Temperament (Mizaj) Assessment
Pulse Examination
Precautions to be taken before Hijama (Cupping Therapy)
Contraindication of Hijama (Cupping Therapy)
General Instructions Before Hijama (Cupping Therapy)
Preparation of Hijama Therapy Room and Equipment
Checklist before starting the procedure
Instructions for Hijama Therapist
Patient Preparation
Cupping Stage (Standard Operating Procedure)5Lessons ·
Dry Cupping
Wet Cupping
Fire Cupping
Gliding/Moving/Massage Cupping
Flash Cupping
Post Cupping Stage (Standard Operating Procedure)6Lessons ·
Post procedural observations and monitoring
General measures to be taken for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes in post-cupping stage
Local measures for Dry Cupping, Fire Cupping, Gliding Cupping, Flash Cupping etc
Local Measures/wound care in Wet Cupping
Bio Medical Waste (BMW) management
When to referral to high centre